XML Schema Documentation

Element: rateIndex

[Table of contents]

  • This element can be used wherever the following element is referenced:
Name rateIndex
Type RateIndex
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Defines a simple underlying asset that is an interest rate index. Used for specifying benchmark assets in the market environment in the pricing and risk model.
Logical Diagram
XML Instance Representation
id=" xsd:ID [0..1]">
<instrumentId> InstrumentId </instrumentId> [1..*]
<description> xsd:string </description> [0..1]

'The long name of a security.'

<currency> Currency </currency> [0..1]

'The currency in which an amount is denominated.'

<exchangeId> ExchangeId </exchangeId> [0..1]
<clearanceSystem> ClearanceSystem </clearanceSystem> [0..1]
<definition> ProductReference </definition> [0..1]

'An optional reference to a full FpML product that defines the simple product in greater detail. In case of inconsistency between the terms of the simple product and those of the detailed definition, the values in the simple product override those in the detailed definition.'

<floatingRateIndex> FloatingRateIndex </floatingRateIndex> [1]
<term> Interval </term> [1]

'Specifies the term of the simple swap, e.g. 5Y.'

<paymentFrequency> Interval </paymentFrequency> [0..1]

'Specifies the frequency at which the index pays, e.g. 6M.'

<dayCountFraction> DayCountFraction </dayCountFraction> [0..1]

'The day count basis for the index.'

element_bond element_cash element_convertibleBond element_deposit element_equity element_exchangeTradedFund element_future element_fxRate element_index element_loan element_mortgage element_mutualFund element_simpleCreditDefaultSwap element_simpleFra element_simpleIrSwap
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:element name="rateIndex" type=" RateIndex " substitutionGroup="underlyingAsset"/>