XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: DividendPeriodPayment

[Table of contents]

Super-types: DividendPeriod < DividendPeriodPayment (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name DividendPeriodPayment
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type DividendLeg
Abstract no
Documentation A time bounded dividend period, with fixed strike and a dividend payment date per period.
XML Instance Representation
id=" xsd:ID [0..1]">
<unadjustedStartDate> IdentifiedDate </unadjustedStartDate> [1]

'Unadjusted inclusive dividend period start date.'

<unadjustedEndDate> IdentifiedDate </unadjustedEndDate> [1]

'Unadjusted inclusive dividend period end date.'

<dateAdjustments> BusinessDayAdjustments </dateAdjustments> [1]

'Date adjustments for all unadjusted dates in this dividend period.'

<underlyerReference> AssetReference </underlyerReference> [0..1]

'Reference to the underlyer which is paying dividends. This should be used in all cases, and must be used where there are multiple underlying assets, to avoid any ambiguity about which asset the dividend period relates to.'

<fixedStrike> PositiveDecimal </fixedStrike> [1]

'Fixed strike.'

<paymentDate> AdjustableOrRelativeDate </paymentDate> [1]

'Dividend period amount payment date.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="DividendPeriodPayment">
<xsd:extension base=" DividendPeriod ">
<xsd:element name="fixedStrike" type=" PositiveDecimal "/>
<xsd:element name="paymentDate" type=" AdjustableOrRelativeDate "/>