XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: RequestPortfolio

[Table of contents]

Super-types: RequestMessage < RequestPortfolio (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name RequestPortfolio
Abstract no
Documentation A type defining the content model for a message requesting a portfolio (for reconciliation purposes).
XML Instance Representation
version=" xsd:token (value comes from list: {'4-0'|'4-1'|'4-2'|'4-3'|'4-4'}) [1]

'Indicate which version of the FpML Schema an FpML message adheres to.'


expectedBuild=" xsd:positiveInteger [0..1]

'This optional attribute can be supplied by a message creator in an FpML instance to specify which build number of the schema was used to define the message when it was generated.'


actualBuild="4 [0..1]

'The specific build number of this schema version. This attribute is not included in an instance document. Instead, it is supplied by the XML parser when the document is validated against the FpML schema and indicates the build number of the schema file. Every time FpML publishes a change to the schema, validation rules, or examples within a version (e.g., version 4.2) the actual build number is incremented. If no changes have been made between releases within a version (i.e. from Trial Recommendation to Recommendation) the actual build number stays the same.'

<header> RequestMessageHeader </header> [1]
<validation> Validation </validation> [0..*]
<asOfDate> ... </asOfDate> [0..1]

'The date for which this request desires positions and valuations.'

Start Choice [1]
<portfolioName> xsd:normalizedString </portfolioName> [1]

'The name of the portfolio that is requested.'

<requestedPositions> RequestedPositions </requestedPositions> [1]

'The name of the data set (portfolio, product type, etc.) that this request corresponds to. Describes the desired report.'

End Choice
<party> Party </party> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="RequestPortfolio">
<xsd:extension base=" RequestMessage ">
<xsd:element name="asOfDate" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="portfolioName" type=" xsd:normalizedString "/>
<xsd:element name="requestedPositions" type=" RequestedPositions "/>
<xsd:element name="party" type=" Party " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>