Name | equitySwap |
Type | ReturnSwap |
Nillable | no |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | This element has been DEPRECATED and it will be removed in the next FpML major version (5.0) - please use returnSwap element to represent long form equity swaps, total return swaps, and variance swaps. |
'A classification of the type of product. FpML defines a simple product categorization using a coding scheme.'
'A product reference identifier allocated by a party. FpML does not define the domain values associated with this element. Note that the domain values for this element are not strictly an enumerated list.'
'BuyerSeller.model has been included as an optional child of ReturnSwapBase to support the situation where an implementor wishes to indicate who has manufactured the Swap through representing them as the Seller. It may be removed in future major revisions.'
'A reference to the party that buys this instrument, ie. pays for this instrument and receives the rights defined by it. See 2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (b). In the case of FRAs this the fixed rate payer.'
'A reference to the party that sells (\"writes\") this instrument, i.e. that grants the rights defined by this instrument and in return receives a payment for it. See 2000 ISDA definitions Article 11.1 (a). In the case of FRAs this is the floating rate payer.'
'This is used to document a Fully Funded Return Swap.'
'Specifies additional payment(s) between the principal parties to the trade. This component extends some of the features of the additionalPayment component developed by the FpML industry group. Appropriate discussions will determine whether it would be appropriate to extend the shared component in order to meet the further requirements of equity swaps.'
'Specifies, for one or for both the parties to the trade, the date from which it can early terminate it.'
'Where the underlying is shares, specifies events affecting the issuer of those shares that may require the terms of the transaction to be adjusted.'