XML Schema Documentation

Element: market

[Table of contents]

Name market
Type Market
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation This is a global element used for creating global types. It holds Market information, e.g. curves, surfaces, quotes, etc.
Logical Diagram
element_pricingStructure element_pricingStructureValuation
XML Instance Representation
id=" xsd:ID [0..1]">
<name> xsd:string </name> [0..1]

'The name of the market, e.g. the USDLIBOR market. Used for description and understandability.'

<benchmarkQuotes> QuotedAssetSet </benchmarkQuotes> [0..1]

'A collection of benchmark instruments and quotes used as inputs to the pricing models.'

<pricingStructure> ... </pricingStructure> [0..*]

'A collection of pricing inputs (curves, volatility matrices, etc.) used to represent the market.'

<pricingStructureValuation> ... </pricingStructureValuation> [0..*]

'The values of the pricing structure used to represent the markets..'

<benchmarkPricingMethod> PricingMethod </benchmarkPricingMethod> [0..*]

'The pricing structure used to quote a benchmark instrument.'

element_pricingStructure element_pricingStructureValuation
Schema Component Representation
<xsd:element name="market" type=" Market "/>