FpML 4.4 Validation Rules - Rules for ID / IDREF References

This section details ID / IDREF relationship constraints (based on the eCore references at the Schema) accompanying the FpML 4.4 Working Draft.





Unique contexts:

Context: AssetReference (complex type)

ref-1 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Asset.

Context: FixedRateReference (complex type)

ref-2 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type FixedRate.

Context: ProtectionTermsReference (complex type)

ref-3 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type ProtectionTerms.

Context: SettlementTermsReference (complex type)

ref-4 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type SettlementTerms.

Context: FirstPeriodStartDate (complex type)

ref-5 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the ../../party/@id attribute.
Test cases: [Valid] [Invalid]

Context: InterestCalculationReference (complex type)

ref-6 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type InterestCalculation.

Context: InterestLegCalculationPeriodDatesReference (complex type)

ref-7 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type InterestLegCalculationPeriodDates.

Context: CalculationPeriodDatesReference (complex type)

ref-8 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type CalculationPeriodDates.

Context: InterestRateStreamReference (complex type)

ref-9 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type InterestRateStream.

Context: PaymentCalculationPeriod (complex type)

ref-10 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type PricingStructure.

Context: PaymentDatesReference (complex type)

ref-11 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type PaymentDates.

Context: ResetDatesReference (complex type)

ref-12 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type ResetDates.

Context: CreditEventsReference (complex type)

ref-13 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type CreditEvents.

Context: CashflowFixingReference (complex type)

ref-14 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type CashflowFixing.

Context: CashflowObservationReference (complex type)

ref-15 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type CashflowObservation.

Context: StepReference (complex type)

ref-16 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Step.

Context: TradeUnderlyerReference (complex type)

ref-17 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type TradeUnderlyer.

Context: GenericDimension (complex type)

ref-18 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Asset.

Context: MarketReference (complex type)

ref-19 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Market.

Context: PricingDataPointCoordinateReference (complex type)

ref-20 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type PricingDataPointCoordinate.

Context: PricingParameterDerivativeReference (complex type)

ref-21 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type PricingParameterDerivative.

Context: Valuation (complex type)

ref-22 (Mandatory)
The @definitionRef attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type ValuationScenario.

Context: ValuationReference (complex type)

ref-23 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Valuation.

Context: ValuationScenarioReference (complex type)

ref-24 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type ValuationScenario.

Context: AccountReference (complex type)

ref-25 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Account.

Context: BusinessCentersReference (complex type)

ref-26 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type BusinessCenters.

Context: BusinessDayAdjustmentsReference (complex type)

ref-27 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type BusinessDayAdjustments.

Context: LegalEntityReference (complex type)

ref-28 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type LegalEntity.

Context: PartyReference (complex type)

ref-29 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Party.

Context: Payment (complex type)

ref-30 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type PricingStructure.

Context: PricingStructureReference (complex type)

ref-31 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type PricingStructure.

Context: ProductReference (complex type)

ref-32 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Product.

Context: RateReference (complex type)

ref-33 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Rate.

Context: ScheduleReference (complex type)

ref-34 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Schedule.

Context: SpreadScheduleReference (complex type)

ref-35 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type SpreadSchedule.

Context: SensitivitySetReference (complex type)

ref-36 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type SensitivitySet.

Deprecated rules

Removed rules