FpML 5.0 Recommendation, 07 July 2010 Errata
1 About this document
2 How this document is organized
3 Issues
3.1 fpml-shared.xsd within 'Frequency' complex type, the element 'periodMultiplier' should be 'xsd:positiveInteger'.
4 Build Number
This document lists the known errata to the FpML 5.0 Recommendation, 07 July 2010.
Each erratum entry below has the following information:
- A unique entry number.
- The date that it was added to the errata page.
- Whether the entry is considered an important error, a minor typographical error, a clarification, or a known problem with the document itself.
- The document version and section referred to.
- The location of the error.
- A description of the problem and correction if applicable.
- When the error is going to be fixed and whether it affects the build number.
The document publishes the build number.
The following issues are known in the FpML 5.0 Recommendation, 07 July 2010:
- ID: 1
- Date Added: 2012-08-07
- Severity: Major
- Version: FpML-5-1-2-WD-2 (published on 2010-11-10) -> FX section
- Location: "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/confirmation" and "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting" -> fpml-fx.xsd schema file -> DualCurrencyFeature ->strike element
- Description: In the confirmation and reporting views, the dualCurrency/strike element has no type. This prevents Dual Currency Feature from being fully functional (for details see http://www.fpml.org/issues/view.php?id=1054).
- Disposition: The FpML FX working group is in the process of discussing an appropriate solution for the issue. As soon as the solution is agreed, a new version of 5.1 Recommendation will be published.
- ID: 2
- Date Added: 2012-08-07
- Severity: Minor
- Version: FpML-4-7-1-WD-1 (published on 2009-09-23) -> shared section
- Location: "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/confirmation" and "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting" -> fpml-shared.xsd schema file -> Frequency -> periodMultiplier element
- Description: In the confirmation and reporting views, The type of Frequency/periodMultiplier is 'xsd:integer'. There is no a legitimate use-case for a negative period multiplier in the Frequency context (for details see http://www.fpml.org/issues/view.php?id=1055). The type of Frequency/periodMultiplier will be changed from 'xsd:integer' to 'xsd:positiveInteger'.
- Disposition: This will be corrected in versions FpML-4-10-1-WD-1 and FpML-5-2-2-WD-2
- ID: 3
- Date Added: 2012-08-07
- Severity: Minor
- Version: FpML-5-0-1-wd-1
- Location: "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting";"http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/confirmation"->
fpml-business-events.xsd ->TradeNotionalChange->changeInNotionalAmount;outstandingNotionalAmount
- Description: The change was made to the changeInNotionalAmount and outstandingNotionalAmout elements to be consistent with earlier approved similar change
for 'changeInNotionalAmount' which was a correction to resolve some confusion in the examples.
This is a Non-compatible Change in FpML 5.3
- Disposition: Non backward compatible changes in FpML-5-3. This is corrected in versions FpML–5-3-4-LCWD-1(published:2012-03-21).
- ID: 4
- Date Added: 2012-08-07
- Severity: Minor
- Version: FpML-5-0-5-WD-4
- Location: "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting"-> fpml-reporting.xsd ->EventActivityReport;PositionActivityReport;TerminatingEventsReport->fromDateTime;toDateTime
- Description: In the Reporting Views, fpml-reporting.xsd->EventActivityReport;PositionActivityReport;TerminatingEventsReport->fromDateTime;toDateTime; the date format has been changed from
xsd:date to xsd:datetime.Rational for the change is that this has been accepted as a bug.
- Disposition: This is corrected in versions : FpML-5-3-4-LCWD-1 (published:2012-03-21)
- ID: 5
- Date Added:2012-08-07
- Severity: Major
- Version: FpML-5-0-1-wd-1
- Location: "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting";"http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/confirmation"
->fpml-shared.xsd ->Account->accountName
- Description: Updated Account structure by allowing multiple accountIds but only a single accountName. This non-backward compatible change was proposed by the
Coordination Committee and approved by the Standards Committee on June 11 2012.
- Disposition: This non-backward compatible change.This is corrected in versions : FpML-5-3-6-Rec-1(published 2012-07-20)
- ID: 6
- Date Added: 2012-08-07
- Severity: Major
- Version:FpML-5-0-1-wd-1
- Location: "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/reporting";"http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/confirmation" ->
fpml-com.xsd -> CommodityFinancialOption.model -> CommodityExercise -> CommodityAmericanExercise -> exercisePeriod
- Description: Rationale: to support for Commodity Option Strip
- Disposition: This is corrected in versions :FpML-5-3-4-LCWD-1 (published:2012-03-21)
- ID: 7
- Date Added: 2019-12-17
- Severity: Major
- Version: FpML-5-10-5-REC-1 (publication date - 2018-02-12) -> All Views (except Legal); FpML-5-9-7-REC-2 (publication date - 2017-03-20) -> All Views (except Legal); FpML-5-8-9-REC-2 (publication date - 2016-07-26) -> All Views (except Pretrade and Legal); FpML-5-7-9-REC-4 (publication date - 2015-07-15) -> All Views (except Pretrade and Legal); FpML-5-6-8-REC-3 (publication date - 2015-07-15) -> All Views (except Pretrade); FpML-5-5-10-REC-3 (publication date - 2015-07-15) -> All Views (except Pretrade); FpML-5-4-6-REC-2 (publication date - 2013-08-13) -> All Views; FpML-5-3-9-REC-2 (publication date - 2012-10-19) -> All Views; FpML-5-2-6-REC-2 (publication date - 2012-02-17) -> All Views; FpML-5-1-9-REC-3 (publication date - 2012-02-17) -> All Views; FpML-5-0-9-REC-2 (publication date - 2010-07-07) -> All Views
- Location: "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/confirmation||recordkeeping||pretrade||transparency||reporting" - > fpml-ird.xsd -> Fra
- Description: Made fra/indexTenor maxOccurs equals to 2. This is to solve issue https://www.fpml.org/ticket/1030/. There is no business reason to produce more than two instances of fra/indexTenor. This change was approved by the Standards Committee on 2013 but it was not implemented.
- Disposition: This Non-Backward compatible change has been implemented in FpML-5-11-7-rec-1 (publication date - 2019-12-17) Build 7 (all views except legal).
- ID: 8
- Date Added: 2019-12-17
- Severity: Major
- Version: FpML-5-10-5-REC-1 (publication date - 2018-02-12) -> All Views (except Legal); FpML-5-9-7-REC-2 (publication date - 2017-03-20) -> All Views; FpML-5-8-9-REC-2 (publication date - 2016-07-26) -> All Views; FpML-5-7-9-REC-4 (publication date - 2015-07-15) -> All Views; FpML-5-6-8-REC-3 (publication date - 2015-07-15) -> All Views; FpML-5-5-10-REC-3 (publication date - 2015-07-15) -> All Views; FpML-5-4-6-REC-2 (publication date - 2013-08-13) -> All Views; FpML-5-3-9-REC-2 (publication date - 2012-10-19) -> All Views; FpML-5-2-6-REC-2 (publication date - 2012-02-17) -> All Views; FpML-5-1-9-REC-3 (publication date - 2012-02-17) -> All Views; FpML-5-0-9-REC-2 (publication date - 2010-07-07) -> All Views
- Location: "http://www.fpml.org/FpML-5/confirmation||recordkeeping||pretrade||transparency||reporting" - > fpml-shared.xsd -> Currency; EntityId; EntityName; ExchangeId
- Description: Removed the version string from the external coding scheme URIs, which are implemented as default URIs in the FpML schema (see initial Issue ticket 1220.). The changes are backward-incompatible for those users who are using default URIs and have hard-coded their application to expect these values. The assumption is that not many implementers have constrained themselves in this way. Below is the list of the coding scheme URIs affecred by the change:
- currencyScheme - http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/iso4217
- entityIdScheme - http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/entity-id-RED
- entityNameScheme - http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/entity-name-RED
- exchangeIdScheme - "http://www.fpml.org/coding-scheme/external/exchange-id-MIC
- Disposition: This Non-Backward compatible change has been implemented in FpML-5-11-7-rec-1 (publication date - 2019-12-17) Build 7 (all views).
The current build number for FpML 5.0 Recommendation, 07 July 2010. is: 9
Every time there is a change on the schema, validation rules, or examples within a version the actual build number is incremented. If no changes have been made between releases within a version (i.e. from Trial Recommendation to Recommendation) the actual build number stays the same. The build number is published at:
- This errata page
- First page of the specification
- FpML Schema: actualBuild attribute within fpml-doc subschema file.
Last Updated: Fri 06/17/2011 11:11:12.34