FpML Issues Tracker

1029: Review of FX Validation Rules for new CrossRate component

November 14, 2010




Validation Rules




FX WG has proposed a very informal notation for new rules to address the relationship between currencies in quotedCurrencyPair and the currencies inside the crossRate structures (http://www.fpml.org/_wgmail/_fxwgmail/msg00140.html).

Context: exchangeRate[crossRate] There exists exactly one crossRate having either currency1=quotedCurrencyPair/currency1 or currency2=quotedCurrencyPair/currency1

Context: exchangeRate[crossRate] There exists at exactly one crossRate having either currency1=quotedCurrencyPair/currency2 or currency2=quotedCurrencyPair/currency2

Context: crossRate currency1 != currency2

Context: crossRate[currency1!=quotedCurrencyPair/currency1][currency1!=quotedCurrencyPair/currency2] currency1=sibling::crossRate/currency1 or currency1=sibling::crossRate/currency2

Context: crossRate[currency2!=quotedCurrencyPair/currency1][currency2!=quotedCurrencyPair/currency2] currency2=sibling::crossRate/currency1 or currency2=sibling::crossRate/currency2

FX WG is looking for help with reviewing the proposed informal notation for the new rules http://www.fpml.org/_wgmail/_fxwgmail/msg00140.html and formulating it into a correct FpML validation rules.


  • danieldui

    11/16/10 12:59 pm

    Small bug in the XML example:

    //crossRate[2]/currency1 = USA

    It should be USD.


  • iyermakova

    12/06/10 2:03 pm

    Nov-11-2010 – VALWG Reviewed of FX Rules:
    Simone explained the issue cross rates
    DD: Perhaps the rule can be expressed more concisely imposing that all the
    currency1 and currency2 elements inside all the crossRates elements should
    contain the same currency exactly 2 times. Unless the currency is one of the
    currencies in the currency pair, in which case it must be contained exactly
    HMA: We need more valid/invalid examples.
    The constraint could be formulated as multiple rules, but there could be
    also an explanatory note that applies to the rules.

    ACTION: Daniel: Propose a new formulation of the rule, examples, and
    explanatory note.

  • iyermakova

    12/06/10 6:50 pm

    Thank you Daniele!
    A small bug in the XML example fx-ex2-…xml was corrected from CrossRate[2]/currency1 = USA to USD. The change was committed to 5-1 (LCWD)

  • danieldui

    11/08/11 2:33 pm

    Nov 8 update

    Daniel: WIP – Looking at possible ways to implement the rules. Will get back with draft formulation or the rules.

  • mgratacos

    07/15/19 9:40 am

    Minutes AWG 2019-06-27:

    • Agreement on the new rules.
    • We need to review fx-56 to check superfluous currencies. Maybe defining it as processing code.
  • mgratacos

    07/29/19 9:16 am

    The new fx rules will be published in 5.11 Last Call Working Draft.

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