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Validation Rules
Rule ird-12 states:
ird-12 (Mandatory) English Description: Context: CalculationPeriodDates (complex type) The frequency specified in calculationPeriodFrequency must divide the precisely. This means that by stepping through the period from the start date at the specified frequency, it must be possible to reach the end date.
What does happen with stubs? Shouldn't the rule include the cases with stubs?
03/14/11 3:24 pm
Clearly the current description does not make sense (note, the verb “divide” has no object). Please refer to earlier expressions of the rule – as recently as FpML 4-4 the rule was described as follows:
The frequency specified in calculationPeriodFrequency must divide the regular period precisely. This means that by stepping through the period from the start date at the specified frequency, it must be possible to reach the end date.
Admittedly this definition is also imperfect, but stubs are dealt with in the definition of “regular period” where:
If firstRegularPeriodStartDate exists, then the start date is firstRegularPeriodStartDate, else the start date is effectiveDate/unadjustedDate. If lastRegularPeriodEndDate exists, then the end date is lastRegularPeriodEndDate, else the end date is terminationDate/unadjustedDate.
The sense of the natural language expression of this rule has been lost in translation across versions, with the unfortunate result that in the absence of an XPath expression (intrinsically hard to define for date schedules), no meaningful definition remains.
This reinforces the point I made on today’s VWG call: the natural language expression of the rule is not a second-class artifact – it is equally as important as the “formal” definition in XPath (provided one exists), and must be conserved with equal care.
Harry McAllister
03/30/11 7:19 pm
The source, rules-ird xml contains the text -“regular-period” as a which was undefined and therefore omitted in the generated rules-ird html . Now it is corrected and included as which would on-click provide the description mentioned by Harry. The change is committed to trunk/ (FpML 4.10) and branches/5-2 (FpML 5-2)
04/18/11 4:08 pm
The regular-period function currently reads is:
startDate has the value of (if exists($cpd/firstRegularPeriodStartDate) then $cpd/firstRegularPeriodStartDate else $cpd/effectiveDate/unadjustedDate). endDate has the value of (if (exists($cpd/lastRegularPeriodEndDate)) then data($cpd/lastRegularPeriodEndDate) else data($cpd/terminationDate/unadjustedDate))
I guess it should change as follows to use the data() syntax consistently.
startDate has the value of (if exists($cpd/firstRegularPeriodStartDate) then data($cpd/firstRegularPeriodStartDate) else data($cpd/effectiveDate/unadjustedDate)). endDate has the value of (if (exists($cpd/lastRegularPeriodEndDate)) then data($cpd/lastRegularPeriodEndDate) else data($cpd/terminationDate/unadjustedDate))
07/19/11 11:11 am
TODO: Review definition of regular-period function. Check return type.
Also check how other functions are defined.
07/19/11 2:13 pm
Email from Harry McAllister dated 19 July
On the subject of issue 1042: in the context of validation rules, the term “regular period” has been used (incorrectly) to mean a single duration between the InterestRateStream effective date (or firstRegularPeriodStartDate, if it exists) and the termination date (or lastRegularPeriodEndDate). This is inconsistent with the intended meaning of regular period e.g. firstRegularPeriodStartDate means “the start date of the first regular period”. Viewed this way, the stream comprises a schedule of regular periods, possibly with a stub (irregular) period at the start and/or end. The description of the relevant validation rules should be expressed accordingly.
In the case of ird-12, this means that the natural language description should state that: The frequency specified in calculationPeriodFrequency must divide the schedule of regular periods precisely.Perhaps we need to think of a better expression for “schedule of regular periods”?
Note that ird-12 is not universally true; it is invalidated by the specialised schedules used with the CNY 7-day repo rate (CNY-CNREPOFIX=CFXS-Reuters).
07/19/11 2:28 pm
Discussed on 19 July.
Agreed to remove function regular-period() and replace it with two functions: firstRegularPeriodStartDate() and lastRegularPeriodEndDate(). The rules can be reworded to reference these two functions.
This should also remove the need to use the phrase “schedule of regular periods”.
ACTION: DD – to propose new rule wording and functions.
ACTION: HMA – Clarify/give example of why CNY 7-day rate is an exception. How can we deal with this?
10/05/11 12:16 pm
10/25/11 2:50 pm
Discussed on 25 Oct call.
– No reply from HMA. Proceed to make change.
– Lyteck’s action carried forward.
10/26/11 5:17 pm
Swaps on the CNY 7-day Repo rate are an exception to this rule, because the index resets every 7 days whereas the floating leg pays interest compounded over 3 months. 7 days does not always divide evenly into 3 months, with the result that floating payment periods may not comprise a whole number of calculation periods (a residual ‘broken’ accrual period may appear at the end of the payment period). Hence the interval between the start- and end- dates is not necessarily a whole number of calculation periods, and rule ird-12 is invalidated.
(1) we may need to re-visit the definition of “regular period” for such cases
(2) ird-2 is also invalidated by these swaps
See IRDWG mail thread at: http://www.fpml.org/_wgmail/_irdwgmail/msg00564.html for recent discussion of issues related to this index.
10/27/11 2:35 pm
Could the swap model be extended to make the detection of this kind of special case easier to achieve? I think Guy’s suggestion of an optional secondary special roll convention (http://www.fpml.org/_wgmail/_irdwgmail/msg00562.html) (or similar) would be good solution. Then the absence of the new element could be used as a guard condition on the ird-2 and ird-12 rules.
11/08/11 11:36 am
Was a proposal submitted?
Reading from here: http://www.fpml.org/_wgmail/_irdwgmail/msg00562.html
Why would we need an extra element? The suggestion by Naz Quadri to add only a “CN7REPO” enum value for rollConvention in CalculationPeriodFrequency looks OK.
… but this is a matter for the IRD-WG.
Maybe we can just update the rule to exclude the case when floatingRateIndex=”CNY-CNREPOFIX=CFXS-Reuters”.
11/08/11 2:01 pm
The IRD model does require modification if swaps on the CNY 7-day rate are to be represented correctly, because the existing relationships between accrual period dates and payment dates do not apply in this case. Simply adding a new value of rollConvention requires that other components of the swap model are re-interpreted according to a convention which is not expressed in the message itself.
11/08/11 2:28 pm
Update from Nov 8 call:
ACTION: Daniel to check with IRD-WD if schema change is being proposed.
ACTION: Daniel to write draft validation rule with guard condition.
01/23/12 3:56 pm
See new note with proposed informal rule that excludes the case where floatingRateIndex=”CNY-CNREPOFIX=CFXS-Reuters”.
I suggest that a rule that deals with CNY 7-day rate should be implemented if/when the IRD schema is updated to represent fully this product.
ACTION: Need feedback from Harry McAllister/IRD-WG
01/24/12 4:05 pm
Discussed on Jan 24 call. We’ll wait until Jan 31st for feedback from HMcA and then add the rule as suggested in the latest document.
03/27/12 1:57 pm
Proposed formulation approved. The rule or the schema may need to change if for other products the rule does not apply.
ACTION: Lytech to update specs as described in the issue.
04/25/12 2:06 pm
implemented ird-12 as outlined in the word documented (see screenshot)