FpML Issues Tracker

1140: Ref-38 : mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate

October 2, 2012




Validation Rules




If the element mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate is not present in the message, should this rule be triggered ? .. or is href/id comparison required only if the mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate element is present ?


  • valid-ref-38-02.xml
  • Notes:

  • danieldui

    10/23/12 10:58 am


    ref-38 (Mandatory)
    English Description:
    Context: MandatoryEarlyTermination (complex type) /cashSettlement/cashSettlementValuationDate/dateRelativeTo
    The @href attribute is equal to the @id attribute of an element mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate
    XPath Description:
    Context: MandatoryEarlyTermination (complex type) /cashSettlement/cashSettlementValuationDate/dateRelativeTo
    name(id(@href)) eq xs:string(“mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate”)
    Test cases: [Invalid]


    Ref-38 (Mandatory)
    English Description:
    Context: MandatoryEarlyTermination (complex type)
    The attribute cashSettlement/cashSettlementValuationDate/dateRelativeTo/@href is equal to mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate/unadjustedDate/@id or to mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate/adjustedDate/@id
    XPath Description:
    Context: MandatoryEarlyTermination (complex type) /cashSettlement/cashSettlementValuationDate/dateRelativeTo/@href eq
    mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate/unadjustedDate/@id or
    /cashSettlement/cashSettlementValuationDate/dateRelativeTo/@href eq

  • danieldui

    10/23/12 2:30 pm

  • danieldui

    12/17/12 1:18 pm

    Is this rule complete?

    cashSettlementValuationDate is optional. It should appear in the rule pre-condition.

    also cashSettlementPaymentDate is optional and it can contain a relative date. should we have a rule about this?

    invalid-ref-38-01 seems to be actually valid.

  • danieldui

    12/18/12 2:42 pm

    ACTION: DD more analysis

  • danieldui

    01/15/13 12:54 pm

    Proposed rule:

    Ref-38 (Mandatory)

    English Description:
    Context: MandatoryEarlyTermination (complex type)
    The attribute cashSettlement/cashSettlementValuationDate/dateRelativeTo/@href is equal to mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate/unadjustedDate/@id or to mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate/adjustedDate/@id

    XPath Description:
    Context: MandatoryEarlyTermination (complex type)
    cashSettlement/cashSettlementValuationDate/dateRelativeTo/@href eq
    mandatoryEarlyTerminationDate/unadjustedDate/@id or
    cashSettlement/cashSettlementValuationDate/dateRelativeTo/@href eq

  • danieldui

    01/15/13 1:01 pm

    The test case (attachment) looks actually valid.

  • danieldui

    01/15/13 2:56 pm

  • danieldui

    01/28/13 5:05 pm

    Added test cases in attachment.

  • danieldui

    01/29/13 2:57 pm

    ACTION: ISA/Maithili – Please update rule as proposed (comment 0003048) and include test cases attached to the issue. Minor edits (e.g. schema location) might be necessary for the test cases.

  • mkoli

    02/15/13 9:06 pm

    updated validation rule ref-38. Updated file – rules-english-ref.xml and added test cases – invalid-ref-38-01/ valid-ref-38-01/valid-ref-38-02

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