FpML Issues Tracker

1141: Wrong description of rule

October 2, 2012




Validation Rules




In the reporting view, under validation rules, rule col-4 has the following description: "If two pendingCollateral elements exist, the direction of each pendingCollateral (indicated by the giverPartyReference / takerPartyReference pair) must be different."

the XPath description is the following: "variationMargin/pendingCollateral[1]/giverPartyReference neq variationMargin/pendingCollateral[2]/giverPartyReference && variationMargin/pendingCollateral[1]/receiverPartyReference neq variationMargin/pendingCollateral[2]/ receiverPartyReference"

The XPath description is worng since there is no element named "receiverPartyReference" in this location of the schema. The correct element is "takerPartyReference".

Thank you.


  • danieldui

    01/28/13 5:21 pm

    I checked the schema. I propose that we update the reporter of this issue suggests.

  • danieldui

    01/29/13 3:14 pm

    ACTION: ISDA: Please update rule as per issue description.

  • mkoli

    02/15/13 7:35 pm

    updated under issue 1145

  • danieldui

    02/26/13 1:17 pm

    done under issue 1145

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