FpML Issues Tracker
Validation Rules
.. taken from the text of e-mail send to ISDA ...
"I am looking at the changes documents for ALL the versions in 5.6. In the first of these it states, under the rules-english-ref.xml section (i.e. the Reference rules) "enabled ref-14 to 21, ref 31, ref36-37 in reporting view". None of the subsequent changes docs refer to the Reference rules in the reporting view thus I assume that this change persists to 5.6 REC.
However, when I look at the documentation for the 5.6 REC Reporting view (both online and downloaded), it lists ALL the Reference rules as opposed to the specific handful listed above. In addition, in the downloadable documentation there are no test cases in the Reporting View zip for ANY reference rules.
Can someone please advise precisely which Reference rules are to be applied in the Reporting view in 5.6 REC."
10/03/18 11:45 am
Dear Madam/Sir, apologies for not acknowledging your ticket.
All the reference rules listed in the “Rules for ID / IDREF References” apply in Reporting view. The change document was listing what we had last made available.
Given we have failed to reply in a timely manner, I will close the issue but please let me know if this is still an issue for you. We will make sure any of your outstanding questions are answered or at least acknowledged in a timely fashion going forward (< 1 week).
Again our apologies for missing this.
Lyteck / The FpML Team