FpML Issues Tracker

1211: New Buyer & Seller business validation rule for new Repo product

February 27, 2015




Validation Rules




The FpML Sec WG agreed with the following per leg approach:

o BuyerAndSeller.model per Leg: - Annotate the farLeg element with the rule already on the FarRepoTransactionLeg type. - Change the BuyerSeller.model annotation in the RepoTransactionLeg type to "References to the buyer and seller of this leg of the repo contract." AND - Specify new Validation Rules that ensures it is the exact opposite. - Add to Shared Rules, or new Securities/Repo Rules, the following, or similar: "The BuyerSeller model in the far leg must be the exact opposite of the one found in the near leg." Context: Repo (complex type): farLeg/buyerPartyReference/@href = nearLeg/sellerPartyReference/@href farLeg/buyerAccountReference/@href = nearLeg/sellerAccountReference/@href farLeg/sellerPartyReference/@href = nearLeg/buyerPartyReference/@href farLeg/sellerAccountReference/@href = nearLeg/buyerAccountReference/@href


  • mgratacos

    10/22/19 5:38 am

    AWG 2019-10-03

    Agreement not to publish Repos business rules until repos and sec lending models are finished.

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