FpML Issues Tracker

1370: Cancel

February 7, 2025



Have not tried






Is there a specific Element that indicates if a message is a cancellation? For example if a trade/swap/swapstream that we previously sent was invalid and needs to be ignored?


  • JasonPolis

    02/07/25 6:17 am

    Yes, the root element of the message indicates whether it is a retraction of a previous message. For example, A requestConfirmation message may be cancelled using the requestConfirmationRetracted message.

    The principle is described in clause Consistent correction and retraction mechanism
    of the online documentation FpML 5.13 Last Call Working Draft (Confirmation View).

    Also refer to the FpML5-messaging-framework.pdf for the groups of messages, many which support retraction.

  • BrianGibbons

    02/07/25 10:07 am

    Thanks Jason. Is there a full sample message available anywhere in ‘The Standard – Most Recent Versions’?

    Asking the question as one of the samples I am basing some work on is “ird-ex01-vanilla-swap.xml” ,  and it does not have the ‘requestConfirmation’ attribute in it.

  • JasonPolis

    02/07/25 11:42 am

    Sure, when you download a zip of the confirmation view

    inside you’ll find

    • an example of an executionAdviceRetracted:


    • an example of an executionRetracted:




  • BrianGibbons

    02/10/25 6:55 am

    Hi Jason. Is it possible to retract any trade message simply by removing the following tag;


    and completing the following instead;


    Specifically I am asking about the retraction of message ‘ird-ex01-vanilla-swap.xml’


  • BrianGibbons

    02/13/25 5:33 am

    Hi Jason

    Is it clear what I am trying to clarify or do you need me to elaborate further?


  • jbaserba

    02/17/25 5:54 am

    Hi Brian,

    No, there is no generic way to indicate the retraction of a message. Each process has its own set of root elements, so retraction will be represented differently in each one. You can find a general view of the FpML messaging framework at the FpML website at About -> Messaging Framework Model


    If you need a wider context, FpML trainings are periodically organized which might be of your interest if you need a more systematic explanation of these aspects of FpML.

  • BrianGibbons

    02/18/25 7:44 am

    Thanks, I will keep an eye out for the trainings.

    I have viewed the Messaging Framework Model but the retraction process is still not clear to me.

    Does the initial trade message have to “requestConfirmation” somewhere in the body in order for it to be successfully retracted at a later date?

    See below sample from confirmation-5-13_xml.zip / products / interest-rate-derivatives / ird-ex01-vanilla-swap.xml;


    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
    <partyReference href=”party1″ />
    <tradeId tradeIdScheme=”http://www.partyA.com/swaps/trade-id”>TW9235</tradeId>
    <partyReference href=”party2″ />
    <tradeId tradeIdScheme=”http://www.barclays.com/swaps/trade-id”>SW2000</tradeId>

  • BrianGibbons

    03/04/25 11:40 am

    Hi team. Let me know if the above is not clear. Thanks.

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