FpML Issues Tracker

172: Trades within a bank

April 26, 2006




Business Process




Where an entity trades with itself - what is the sequence of messages to issue? Does the booking entity issue one trade message or two in the FpML Trade Sequence?


  • matthew

    05/16/06 9:02 am

    Marc will raise this with the coordination committee.

  • matthew

    01/30/07 1:20 pm

    Has there been any progress in the past 10 months?

  • mgratacos

    01/31/07 6:30 am

    It was raised at the coordination committee but there was no answer. We’ll raise it again.

  • mgratacos

    02/06/07 11:39 am

    The Coordination Committee requires more information about this question. What is the business process that it is trying to be modeled? What is the difference between this scenario and an external one? Please, clarify the question.

  • matthew

    02/06/07 8:00 pm

    I had hoped for more questions after 10 months consideration.

    The business process is Trade Matching. If the Party is the same legal entity on both sides of the trade how many Trade Match Allegations are sent?

  • matthew

    03/06/07 6:51 pm

    Any progress in the last month?

  • mgratacos

    04/23/10 3:41 pm

    I think this has been solved in version 5.0 since trades can now be done at the account level since the option of an accountReference is available everywhere where before only partyReference was available. I am referring to payer/receiver, buyer/seller, etc. So the interaction of messages should be exactly the same as if there were two different parties. The only difference would be that each message contains party and account references and the onBehalfOf is also filled out with theparty and account references.

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