FpML Issues Tracker

204: TradeValuationItem

August 16, 2006








TradeValuationItem may have many trades, just as described in fpml-4-2-intro-10.html#s10.5.7, and as implemented in schema.

So if I have several partyTradeIdentifiers, do they refer to seperate trades ? What if they identify a trade ?

Logically speaking, shouldn't a TradeValuationItem be for one trade only. Shouldn't there be a rule that there is either one trade, or one or more partyTradeIdentifiers that refer to the same trade.


  • mgratacos

    08/25/06 7:11 am

    Documentation should be updated to clarify that the multiple trade IDs are for the same trade.

  • mgratacos

    10/17/06 6:53 am

    This message has been sent to the Pricing and Risk Working Group:

    Maybe I am missing something but I am looking at the content of TradeValuationItem and I don’t understand its content model. Why do we have trade with maxOccurs=”unbounded”? Shouldn’t we have a single trade element only?

    In addition, shouldn’t we have a choice between partyTradeIdentifier and trade?

    A type used in trade valuation enquiry messages which relates a trade identifier to its current value.

    One or more trade identifiers needed to uniquely identify a trade.

    Fully-described trades whose values are reported.

    The trade valuation.

  • BrianLynn

    03/14/07 10:26 pm

    Recommend changing TradeValuationItem to be:

    partyTradeIdentifier maxOccurs = “unbounded”

  • BrianLynn

    03/14/07 10:27 pm

    assign to Marc for implementation

  • mgratacos

    03/20/07 9:23 am

  • mgratacos

    03/20/07 3:17 pm

    This is the new content model of TradeValuationItem:

    One or more trade identifiers needed to uniquely identify a trade.

    Fully-described trades whose values are reported.

    The trade valuation.

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