FpML Issues Tracker

207: Add a prefix hint for the FpML namespace

August 20, 2006








Background: There is no prefix today for the FpML namespace within the FpML schema. This is because the FpML schema does not currently need a prefix.

Change: Add to the FpML xsd:schema the attribute of xmlns:fpml="http://www.fpml.org/2005/FpML-4-2". This is added to each FpML schema.

Justification: 1. Use of unique, key and keyref require a namespace prefix because XPath 1.0 does not understand the default namespace in XML Schema. Currently FpML does not use these features but schemas that extended FpML do. Defining this feature helps guide people how to extend FpML in an approved way. 2. Tools using the FpML schema can make use of this information and use it as a hint to the preferred name for the FpML namespace. 3. I am modifying EMF's XSD2eCore to generate better package names. Having an 'approved' namespace prefix as a hint would make for better eCore names for FpML.

The change has been committed to the annotated branch: https://dedicated.fpml.org:8443/svn/fpml/branches/annotated/src/schema/


  • matthew

    08/20/06 9:08 am

    Use commit 798 as the later commits contain other items.

  • mgratacos

    10/03/06 7:27 am

    The Coordination Committee agreed (2006-10-02) to make this change.

  • mgratacos

    10/03/06 7:31 am

    fpml prefix has been added. This will be published in the next release of FpML (4.3 WD or 4.2 Third Trial Recommendation).

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