FpML Issues Tracker

209: IRD – undefined and unused reference

August 20, 2006








This href at line 1137 of the IRD schema is undefined and not used within any example.

Attribute that can be used to reference the yield curve used to estimate the discount factor.


  • matthew

    08/20/06 2:16 pm

    Presumably there should be a rule added to the Rules that href must match the XPath expresssion “element(*, YieldCurve)”. Please add the rule.

  • mgratacos

    10/24/06 5:49 am

    The href attribute is now of type SimplePricingStructureReference.

    Reference to a pricing structure or any derived components (i.e. yield curve).

  • mgratacos

    03/07/07 5:34 pm

    ecore annotation has been added:

    Attribute that can be used to reference the yield curve used to estimate the discount factor.

  • matthew

    04/04/07 10:21 am

    The eCore annotation is added, the validation rule is yet to be added.

    When the validation rule is added the issue is closed.

  • mgratacos

    05/18/07 11:35 am

    Validation rules has been committed to the trunk:

    If paymentCalculationPeriod/@href attribute is present, it must match the @id attribute of PricingInput type

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