FpML Issues Tracker
Validation Rules
Add a rule that /FpML/position/scheduledDate/assetReference/@href must point to a specific type containing an xsd:ID.
Probably the rule should be element(*, InterestRateStream).
Either way this is undocumented, undefined, and missing a rule.
10/24/06 3:00 am
/FpML/position/scheduledDate/assetReference/@href can point to any type of leg
10/24/06 4:24 am
If this can point to any type of leg then you need to implement issue 54 to define a Leg type.
From a modelling point of view a reference should only point to a single specific type. For this that type is “Leg”. The alternative – having a reference point to multiple types is how things used to be before OO in the early ’80s.
03/07/07 5:51 pm
There is a problem with the model. Besides pointing to legs, it can point to the whole trade structure. See attached example.
03/07/07 6:01 pm
If the problem is with the model, then the solution is to fix the model. Add a choice of trade or leg.
04/04/07 10:26 am
The SWIFTNet CUG pilot participants are very keen to use this portfolio functionality. This issue needs to be resolved before it is embedded in the CUG implementation.
At the minimum a validation rule is required.
04/04/07 10:27 am
There should be an AWG rule that pointers should point at a single specific type only.
05/18/07 9:45 am
08/14/07 9:18 pm
Our understanding is that this issue is to be done in FpML 5.0 so no action is required on the VWG until then.
08/15/07 9:36 am
Simon – FpML 5.0 WD1 is being worked on now. Please make the change and commit to the 5.0 branch in Subversion.
08/15/07 9:40 am
Matthew, for the time beign this is not a VWG issue.
A leg modelling task force is being set up to look into (among other things) this issue. Pending the outcome of their work, we will update the ecore validation rules.
08/15/07 10:06 am
Simon – you can write the rule now in the current structure. The results of the leg modelling task force will just simplify the rule. Everything for the rule is ready now.
08/15/07 10:14 am
Marc, do you agree with the rule Matthew suggests in the description above? does it cover all possibilities?
09/25/07 1:08 pm
Validation Working Group 2007-09-25: Agreed to implement complex solution in 4.x series.
03/11/08 10:49 am
All that is left to do is for Marc to implement the solution agreed on 2007-09-25 by the VWG.
03/20/08 4:37 pm
A new rule (ref-37) has been added to the references rules.
Context: AnyAssetReference (complex type)
ref-37 (Mandatory)
The @href attribute must match the @id attribute of an element of type Leg, or the @id attribute of an element of type Trade, or the @id attribute of an element of type BasketConstituent.
This has been committed to the trunk and 5.0 branch.