FpML Issues Tracker

258: relatedExchangeId and optionsExchangeId

November 6, 2006








Repeated and inconsistent declerations of this content are made throughout the file "fpml-asset-4-2.xsd"

#1 Bond: why does this have no optionsExchangeId to allow for on exchange bond options ? #2 EquityAsset: repeated decleration, optionsExchangeId should be unbounded, option on this equity could be traded on many exchanges #3 ExchangeTradedAsset: repeated and inconsistent declaration ! now both elements are minOccurs="0" #4 ExchangeTradeFund: repeated and inconsistent declaration ! now both elements are minOccurs="0" #5 Future: repeated and inconsistent declaration ! now both elements are minOccurs="0" #6: Index: relatedExchangeId now reverts to unbounded, there is no optionsExchangeId


  • mgratacos

    11/10/06 9:34 am

    – Changed content model of ExchangeTraded type to have only the ExchangeIdentifier.model, removing the multiplier element.
    – The multiplier element has been moved back to ExchangeTradedContract and Future types.
    – Now the following types are an extension of ExchangeTraded: Bond, EquityAsset, and Index.

    Note that ExchangeTradedContract and Future were already an extension of ExchangeTraded.

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