FpML Issues Tracker
Feedback and Suggestions
The FpML architecture should be specific that there is no assumption that message sequence is preserved over the transport.
There is potential for disagreement in implementations over whether message sequence is preserved. In practise no enterprise bus preserves sequence.
03/06/07 8:20 am
The following text (between ++) has been added to the Business Process Architecture section of the specifications, section 3.1.2:
3.1.2 Design Assumptions
In order to create the messages and business processes described in this document some design assumptions had to be made, principally:
* Throughout this document we have assumed that message exchanges will be carried by an asynchronous exchange of messages over a guaranteed transport, such is provided by a messaging queuing system. This form of transport is commonly used today in the finance industry (e.g. FIX engines, SwiftNet Interact ‘Store and Forward’, MSMQ, MQSeries, etc.). [ … ]
++ * There is no assumption that message sequence is preserved over the transport. There is potential for disagreement in implementations over whether message sequence is preserved. Currently, in practise no enterprise bus preserves sequence. ++
* Some of the business processes are ‘long-running’ in that once initiated they may remain active for a considerable time before completing (e.g. a request to confirm a trade may take many hours as it is dependent on the time of arrival of the matching trade). During this time the process may generate periodic notifications to the originator of the request and/or other parties. Such notifications will appear in the message stream set to a participant intermixed between other response messages.
[ … ]
Is this good enough?
03/06/07 6:45 pm
This is better but not good enough.
“++ * There is no assumption that message sequence is preserved over the transport. There is potential for disagreement in implementations over whether message sequence is preserved. Currently, in practise no enterprise bus preserves sequence. ++”
This should be rewritten in clearer terms as:
“There is no requirement for message sequence to be preserved over the message transport. Message sequence must not be expected to be repeatable nor predictable.
In practise enterprise message buses cannot be expected to halt the enterprise to preserver sequence. Hence this is not a requirement of FpML.”
03/06/07 9:43 pm
The Spec has been amended as indicated.