FpML Issues Tracker

300: Country is not a type of string

February 7, 2007




Modeling Task Force




Country is defined as a type of normalized string.

This is incorrect. A country is a type of geographic area. The code for the country is of type normalized string.

Change the name of the type from Country to CountryCode.


  • mgratacos

    03/05/07 4:20 pm

    Comment from Matthew:

    “The issue on the distinction between a country and a countryCode. This is not merely a question of naming. It is critically important if I have other country attributes (language, businessCentres, statutes), that they are properties of the Country and not the Country Code.”

  • matthew

    10/17/07 3:38 pm

    The problem occurs because there are classes extending datatypes, which is impossible because they are different metaclasses. xsd:normalizedString is a datatype, whereas country is a class.

  • matthew

    11/19/07 8:34 pm

    More generally, it is a “category mistake” for a class to extend a datatype.

    In UML, OWL, or other modelling tools classes and datatypes are clearly distinguished by the type system and this error is impossible. In most programming languages this is also impossible. The type systems protect people from “category mistakes”.

  • matthewdr

    04/09/08 10:25 am

    Reassigned to MTF.

  • iyermakova

    06/20/08 3:18 pm

    MTF group agreed to make the change

  • iyermakova

    06/26/08 7:35 pm

    As per MTF agreement on June 20, 2008
    – changed “Country” Type to “CountryCode” that is derived from xsd:token. The change was committed to FpML-5-0 (branches)

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