FpML Issues Tracker

302: floating comments

February 10, 2007








There are lots of 'floating' comments in fpml-cashflow-matching.xsd. These are comments about the schema that are not attached to the item they comment. All comments should be attached.

For example the comment should be in the annotation. A message sent to indicate that previously asserted TradeCashFlows are no longer in effect. For example, this may be caused by a trade's being terminated or assigned after a TradeCashflowsAsserted message has been sent but before the payment date. A unique identifier assigned by matching service to each set of matched cashflows. One party element for each of the principal parties and any other party that is referenced.

Please update the architecture spec to say floating comments should not be used, and that all comments should be associated as annotations with something specific.


  • mgratacos

    02/21/07 10:23 pm

    Floating comments have been attached to appropriate complex type.

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