FpML Issues Tracker

321: Repeated text in HTML/XHTML Specification section 3.1.6 (Business Process Architecture)

February 22, 2007








In Business Process Architecture, section 3.1.6, a text segment is repeated (see *repeated text* below)

3.1.6 Identification of Purpose

The receiver of a message ...

The FpML message framework is based on type substitution (option 3 - By Element Type) as it gives the greatest control over validation whilst allowing easy extension of the message elements. Below is a short explanation of the three techniques:

*The FpML message framework is based on type substitution as it gives the greatest control over validation whilst allowing easy extension of the message elements.*


  • fpmladmin

    02/27/07 7:55 pm

    The Business Process Architecture, section 3.1.6, has repeated text segments. The duplicate text segment (see below) is removed

    *The FpML message framework is based on type substitution as it gives the greatest control over validation whilst allowing easy extension of the message elements.*

    The corrected page will be published with the next release.

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