FpML Issues Tracker

328: Add the ability to produce warnings

March 14, 2007




Validation Rules




Please add the ability to produce warnings to the validation rules. These are not strict constraints, but things that encourage people to comply idiomatically.

For example there should be a warning on times and dates without offsets.


  • mgratacos

    05/22/07 7:09 am

    This has been discussed in the Validation Working Group. They are trying to come up with the use case to use warnings. It could be the data type proposal, trade versioning, or time offsets.

  • mgratacos

    09/25/07 1:19 pm

    Validation Working Group 2007-09-25: Agreed to add a rule (not warning) for the consistent use of date offsets. The use of time/date offsets has to be consistent within a trade so the context of the rule should be trade.

  • matthewdr

    03/11/08 10:50 am

    All that is left to do is for Marc to add the rule agreed by the VWG on 2007-09-25.

  • matthewdr

    04/30/08 3:51 pm

    This issue is resolved by changes elsewhere.

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