FpML Issues Tracker

330: request messagecancel

March 15, 2007




Modeling Task Force




provide a message to request a message cancel. the two possible responses are accept and decline. if the request is declined a business level compensating transaction may be required. NB may


  • matthew

    04/02/07 10:14 am

    JPMC’s ‘house’ view on this issue:

    * The initial flow would be a cancelMessageRequest, the response would be either cancelMessageAccepted or cancelMessageRejected. There must be a response so completion is observable.
    * The SWIFT CUG was originally scoped in phase 1 to provide one-way messaging; so the CUG may either relax this constraint, or implement a telephone based response. To be clear we need to establish the goal and then let SWIFT work towards this, rather than moving the goal as it is implemented.
    * You can only cancel business messages, not application messages (e.g. cannot cancelMessageRequest for a cancelMessageRequest).
    * This is an additional burden on implementers. This is worth it, but should be recognized.
    * If the cancelMessageRejected is received the next step must be to resume within the business process, or probably to pick up the telephone.
    * The next step is additional specification and a sequence and activity model. JPMC will contribute to this.

  • matthewdr

    10/22/07 1:38 pm

    Following the Working Group discussions over the past year, and more recently; and based on the latest invitation for proposals from yesterday’s Coord meeting, please see the attached cancellation messages as an example.

    MessageCancelRequest – Request message to request cancellation of a message.
    MessageCancelAccepted – Response message to accept a cancellation request of a message.
    MessageCancelled – Notification of cancellation of a message. This is where there has been no prior request.
    MessageCancelRejected – Response message to reject a cancellation request of a message.

  • mgratacos

    10/22/07 1:56 pm

  • matthewdr

    10/22/07 2:05 pm

    It looks like these two proposals are complimentary. The State Street proposal does not cancel Messages, it instead cancels Contracts, Terminations, and Novations.

    What does it mean to cancel a Contract? Is that a termination, or withdrawal of the Contract advice? What are the business semantics?

  • mgratacos

    04/23/10 1:25 pm

    This has been fixed in 5.0:

    – The executionAdviceRetracted message has two possible responses: excecutionAdviceAcknowledgement and executionAdviceException.

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