FpML Issues Tracker

340: define ProblemLocation

March 16, 2007








What is ProblemLocation? Is it text, an XPath, a line number? What may it be? How should I interpret it?

Please add a definition.


  • mgratacos

    06/13/07 9:26 am

    I propose the following definition:

    Defines the XPath expression to locate an error within a previous message. If the previous message was not a valid message, the problem location would not be provided.

  • matthew

    06/13/07 2:11 pm

    Add an XPath Data Type as a derivative of the String Core Data Type.

  • matthew

    06/14/07 1:14 pm

    Agreed at the AWG 14/6/2007 that we need to represent both:
    1 – A lexical location – A line number and character for bad XML
    2 – An XPath location – A place to identify the bad location for valid XML

  • mgratacos

    06/28/07 9:42 am

    Added documentation to the trunk. In addition, we added the locationType attribute that was removed in version 4.2 by mistake.

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