FpML Issues Tracker

342: Provide a clear definition of AdditionalData

March 16, 2007








AdditionalData is undefined. It should be defined. Add a definition.

How can I tell what is AddationalData and what is non-additional data? How do I know whether my data is additional or not? NB I am not asking about the elements that use additional data, but about which elements should have a type of additional data.


  • mgratacos

    06/26/07 2:09 pm

    My first shot for a definition:

    Provides extra information not represented in the model that may be useful in processing the message i.e. diagnosing the reason for failure.

    In case the extra information is in XML format, a CDATA section must be placed around the source message to prevent its interpretation as XML content.

  • matthew

    06/28/07 1:41 pm

    Agreed at AWG 28/6/2007 to:

    1. Replace additionalDataScheme with MIMEType
    2. Promote MIMEType from fpml-credit-event-notification to fpml-shared
    3. Inline the AdditionalData definition into its current usage and eliminate the AdditionalData complex type.
    4. Marc to present a proposal for the solution at the next AWG.

  • mgratacos

    07/05/07 8:11 am

  • mgratacos

    07/05/07 1:21 pm

    AWG 2007-07-05: Need to distinguish between xsd:hexBinary and xsd:base64Binary. Look at the core data types for including them.

  • mgratacos

    07/06/07 8:38 am

    Documentation has been added to the trunk for 4.3. New model needs to be developed for 5.0.

  • mgratacos

    09/14/07 5:22 pm

    The content in 5.0 should distinguish between xsd:hexBinary and xsd:base64Binary

  • matthew

    10/18/07 1:45 pm

    Discussed at AWG 18/10/2007. Noted this was agreed and merely waiting for Marc’s request.

  • mgratacos

    11/14/07 11:17 am

  • matthewdr

    02/21/08 2:51 pm

    Agreed at AWG 21/2/2008 that Marc’s proposal is approved and will be applied.

  • mgratacos

    02/21/08 2:52 pm

  • mgratacos

    03/04/08 2:51 pm

    Provides extra information not represented in the model that may be useful in processing the message i.e. diagnosing the reason for failure.

    Provides extra information as string. In case the extra information is in XML format, a CDATA section must be placed around the source message to prevent its interpretation as XML content.

    Provides extra information as binary contents coded in hexadecimal.

    Provides extra information as binary contents coded in base64.

    Indicates the type of media used to provide the extra information. mimeType is used to determine the software product(s) that can read the content. MIME Types are described in RFC 2046.

  • mgratacos

    03/11/08 12:44 pm

    The proposal has been modified slightly defining mimeType as an element instead of being attribute. This is to make it consistent with the rest of FpML, where it is defined as an element. The MimeType was defined as a complex type, not a simple type, since it contains a scheme attribute to qualify the source of the MIME type values.

    Provides extra information not represented in the model that may be useful in processing the message i.e. diagnosing the reason for failure.

    Indicates the type of media used to provide the extra information. mimeType is used to determine the software product(s) that can read the content. MIME Types are described in RFC 2046.

    Provides extra information as string. In case the extra information is in XML format, a CDATA section must be placed around the source message to prevent its interpretation as XML content.

    Provides extra information as binary contents coded in hexadecimal.

    Provides extra information as binary contents coded in base64.

  • mgratacos

    03/11/08 12:46 pm

    This has been committed to the 5.0 branch.

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