FpML Issues Tracker
Add a rule to the architecture that requires the target of an href to be in scope of the schema referring to it.
For example the schema containing the complex type AssetReference must directly or indirectly include or import the schema containing the complex type Asset.
The effect of this rule was request by Simon Heinrich to overcome limitations in C24 IO, where types were appearing out of scope.
06/07/07 1:50 pm
Agreed at the AWG on 2007-06-07 that:
An additional rule will be added to the Architecture Specification that says something along the lines of:
“Each schema document when processed as the root schema must be valid XML Schema and have valid eCore:reference.”
This covers both the situation where schemas aren’t valid individually, and also where they are valid but the eCore references cannot be resolved without another document including the document with the reference in.
06/08/07 9:31 pm
I propose to add a new section inside section 2.3 XML Schema Design Rules of the Arch Spec called File Structure, which will contain the proposed rule from Matthew.
06/11/07 9:17 am
The following section has been added to the trunk:
File Structure
In FpML each schema document when processed as the root schema must be valid XML Schema and have valid eCore reference attributes. This is not a rule enforced by the W3C XML Specification but it is required in FpML to avoid issues with tools.