FpML Issues Tracker

474: Validation example should state where they are invalid

August 28, 2007




Validation Rules




The Validation examples should state where they are invalid.

For example invalid-shared-4-01.xml triggers rule triggers shared-4 twice. Once it is valid and once it is invalid, but it does not state where.

Context: RelativeDateOffset (complex type) shared-4 (Mandatory) If the dayType is Business then the businessDayConvention should be NONE.


  • mgratacos

    09/25/07 1:46 pm

    Simon will be back with updated test cases in within two weeks.

  • matthewdr

    03/11/08 10:56 am

    In the absence of a proposal from Simon, I propose that we add the following text to section 4.3 of the documentation:

    “Each invalid test case must state which instance of the context is invalid. For example an invalid document with more than one matching context must state which contexts are invalid, and the other contexts must be valid”.

  • iyermakova

    03/13/08 4:03 pm

    The above text was added to section 4.3 of the VALIDATION ARCHITECTURE documentation.

  • iyermakova

    03/13/08 4:06 pm

    The change is committed to 4-4 (trunk/) and 5-0 (branches/FpML-5-0/)

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