FpML Issues Tracker

484: Representation of time in FpML

September 6, 2007








The coordination committee is currently discussing how the trade execution time should be represented in FpML. This comes from MiFID regulations. Some architectural questions were raised while discussing how we should represent time in FpML:

1. Should Parties have different views of time?

2. Should the clock issuing the time be identified?

3. Can we allow multiple elements (i.e. multiple clock identifiers) to represent the source of another element (i.e. time information)?


  • mgratacos

    09/06/07 10:05 am

  • mgratacos

    10/17/07 9:55 pm

  • mgratacos

    10/18/07 1:28 pm

    The tolerance of the time between the point when the deal is executed and the deal is entered into the system will depend on the time window specified by the regulator.

  • matthewdr

    02/20/08 12:57 pm

    “The tolerance of the time between the point when the deal is executed and the deal is entered into the system will depend on the time window specified by the regulator.” – but:

    1. There is usually more than one regulator.
    2. Not all processes are regulated.

    It doesn’t really matter what it is, as long as it is agreed, known, and the business process can work with it.

    ISO 20022 Message Transport Characteristics make Clock Divergence From UTC part of the Message Transport Mode. I suggest we do the same.

  • mgratacos

    02/21/08 2:24 pm

    AWG 2008-02-21: the ability to record execution time was provided. We consider this issue closed until we get feedback from implementations.

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