FpML Issues Tracker

517: Bad character encoding in annotations in german

October 3, 2007








There seem to be strange characters in the annotations in German. Apparently they make some tools choke.

Example: fpml-shared-4-3.xsd

Sofern nicht anderweitig festgelegt, das Haupt-Clearingsystem, das blicherweise fr die Regulierung von Geschften im entsprechenden Basiswert verwendet wird.

I am not sure if this is a bug in the tools or in the schema.

Same problem in 4.4



  • andrew

    10/03/07 3:16 pm

    Last time I looked the German annotations where valid UTF-8 sequences (they just contain umlauted characters, etc.). Is your tool performing an XML parse of the schema or just reading it like a text file? Which tool is it?

  • ddui_barcap

    10/03/07 3:46 pm

    A developer is having problems with xerces 2.4 and xalan 2.5.1 .

    He’s stripping the german comments off before parsing the file.

    XML Spy does not display the characters correctly.

  • h_mcallister

    10/03/07 7:11 pm

    We could circumvent the issue by adopting the German convention for contexts where umlauted characters are not available, thus:
    “ueblicherweise fuer die Regulierung von Geschaeften”

  • h_mcallister

    10/03/07 7:13 pm

    Why do German annotations appear sporadically throughout the schema?
    If we intend to support multiple language annotations, shouldn’t we do so consistently, and for a broader range of languages than English & Deutsch?

  • andrew

    10/03/07 7:36 pm

    One of the participants in the equity derivatives working group translated the descriptions of the equity products into German.

    Are you offering to translate the rest in your copious spare time Harry? As much as I’d like to add the Japanese translations my skills not up to the job.

  • h_mcallister

    10/03/07 7:42 pm

    Rather, I’m asking if we can’t do it consistently and comprehensively, should we be doing it at all (indebted as we are to our colleague who put in the effort on the German translations).

  • ddui_barcap

    10/08/07 1:22 pm

    I agree. I think supporting multiple languages is counterproductive. It adds a lot of maintenance work and can cause confusion because annotations in different languages inevitably will have discrepancies in meaning.

    The normative annotations should be only the ones in English.

  • mgratacos

    10/18/07 1:12 pm

    AWG: agreement to remove the german annotations. Needs to be checked with the Coordination Committee. Agreement to keep translations in a document.

  • iyermakova

    10/22/07 3:06 pm

    Per Coordination Committee approval, all German annotations were removed from fpml schema.
    The German translations of the English annotations, as greed on Coordination Committee, will be kept in the previous versions.

  • iyermakova

    10/22/07 3:11 pm

    This has been committed to the trunk (4.4 version) and 4.3 branch.

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