FpML Issues Tracker

520: VersionedTradeId has no id attribute

November 9, 2007








VersionedTradeId ought to carry an id (xsd:ID) attribute by symmetry with TradeId, enabling the versioned identifier to be referenced at the component level.


  • mgratacos

    11/09/07 7:25 pm

    What component would it be referenced from? How is the TradeId id attribute being used?

  • h_mcallister

    11/12/07 5:01 pm

    The case is mostly a theoretical argument from symmetry, rather than an observed implementation requirement(why does tradeId carry an id attribute, anyway …?)

  • mgratacos

    11/12/07 5:03 pm

    I am wondering whether the issue should be that: Why tradeId has an id attribute?

  • apparry

    11/30/07 11:23 am

    Harry / Marc

    I also could not see the reason why tradeId had an id attribute, so I did not add one to VersionedTradeId

  • mgratacos

    12/06/07 11:20 am

    Coordination Committee Meeting 2007-12-03:

    The id attribute in the tradeId has no usage currently in FpML so the Coordination Committee decided that it should be deprecated in the current 4.x versions and removed in the next major version.

  • mgratacos

    12/28/07 10:19 am

    This has been committed to 5.0 branch, 4.3, and trunk (4.4).

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