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Some of the equity examples (and test cases based on those examples) contain the element with a TODO value. If we include the element, should we at least add a value that has business meaning?
As per Eqd WG Meeting (Fri 14 March 2008): “remove use of element in example to resolve”
The change is committed to 4-4 (trunk) and 5-0 (branches/FpML-5-0)
12/28/07 10:35 am
Query sent to Equity Derivatives Working Group:
Hi all,
Some of the equity examples (and test cases based on those examples) contain the element with a TODO value. If we include the element, should we at least add a value that has business meaning?
Thanks in advance,
02/26/08 1:16 pm
Reassigning to EQDWG to provide a realistic example.
03/24/08 2:38 pm
As per Eqd WG Meeting (Fri 14 March 2008): “remove use of element in example to resolve”
The change is committed to 4-4 (trunk) and 5-0 (branches/FpML-5-0)