FpML Issues Tracker

585: Disambiguate the term “precondition”

February 20, 2008




Validation Rules




There is a divergence between logic and computer programming on the definition of the term "precondition". Please read the Wikipedia entry on a precondition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precondition

We use the term "precondition" widely in the FpML Validation Rules and it is causing confusion. The programmers interpret the term in its computer programming sense, whereas FpML uses the term in its logic sense. The specification is ambiguous as to which meaning is meant. As authors of FpML we can work it out, but the average implementer is confused. The manifestation of this is perverse interpretations and ultimately implementations of the specification

I propose we eliminate the amibuity between the two senses of the term by either: 1. Stating clearly the term is meant in the logic sense, and this is different to the computer programmning sense. 2. Using an alternative terms such as "invariant conditions", as all the rules are today invariants and these conditions apply to them.


  • matthewdr

    05/20/08 1:56 pm

    Naming it “Condition” rather than “Pre-Condition” would solve my problems.

  • iyermakova

    05/20/08 1:57 pm

  • lyteck

    07/14/08 7:32 pm

    – changed text “precondition” to “condition”

    – updated XML tagging to conform to new specs: -> ->

  • matthewdr

    08/12/08 4:33 pm

    accepting resolution.

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