FpML Issues Tracker

682: eqd-17 fix broke the context

May 2, 2008




Validation Rules




The context for eqd-17 doesn't take into account optional fields.

The rule today is: " Context: EquityOption, EquityDerivativeShortFormBase (complex type) eqd-17 (Mandatory) equityExercise/equityAmericanExercise/equityMultipleExercise/maximumNumberOfOptions * equityExercise/equityAmericanExercise/equityMultipleExercise/integralMultipleExercise >= numberOfOptions. "

This is a change. The rule was changed in issue #457. This fixed one problem but removed the handling of optional fields from the context.

The correct form of the rule in XQuery is: (for $equityOption in (//element(*, EquityOption)|//element(*, EquityDerivativeShortFormBase))[equityExercise/equityAmericanExercise/equityMultipleExercise][numberOfOptions] return )

The solution is to rewrite the rule as: " Context: (EquityOption (complex type), EquityDerivativeShortFormBase (complex type))[equityExercise/equityAmericanExercise/equityMultipleExercise][numberOfOptions] eqd-17 (Mandatory) equityExercise/equityAmericanExercise/equityMultipleExercise/maximumNumberOfOptions * equityExercise/equityAmericanExercise/equityMultipleExercise/integralMultipleExercise >= numberOfOptions. "

NB This uses the FpML way to write out contexts which doesn't use XPath.


  • mgratacos

    05/09/08 1:34 pm

    EQDWG 2008-05-09: agreement to work on a simplification of the rule. AP will work on a proposed solution.

  • matthewdr

    05/16/08 1:21 pm

    Discussed at the EQDWG. “We have discussed that integralMultipleExercise is not applicable for the last exercise ( automatic or manual ) as per Robert Masri and Piers Evans. Since we cannot capture ‘last exercise’ as a context, we may have to remove rule eqd-17”

    The only possibility is to add an explicit field to identify the last exercise. Andrew Parry will consider this.

  • matthewdr

    08/20/08 9:20 am

    Has the EQDWG considered this further since May?

  • mgratacos

    03/05/10 11:48 am

    Guards for optional elements were added to the rule description but from the discussion here it seems that the rule is not applicable to the ‘last exercise’.

    A comment has been added to the rule:
    Issue: The integralMultipleExercise is not applicable for the last exercise ( automatic or manual ).

  • iyermakova

    03/16/10 6:37 pm

  • danieldui

    03/29/10 3:13 pm

    Discussed at the VWG on 2010-03-23.

    Daniel sent an email to EQD asking for clarification. We are waiting for their reply.

  • iyermakova

    04/13/10 3:07 pm

    Eqd WG will be discussed Business rules ( eqd-17 )at the next meeting on Fri 16 Apr 2010

  • iyermakova

    06/25/10 7:40 pm

    Find attached MultipleExerciseAmountExplanatoryNotes_v1.0.doc created by Takeo Asakura (MarkitServ) and agreed by the FpML EQD Working Group on 2010-06-18 meeting.
    This document provides both business logic and pseudo code to help the FpML Val Working Group in correcting the existing FpML business validation rules for equity multiple exercise (e.g. eqd-17).

  • h_mcallister

    07/02/10 6:23 pm

    In the “Explanatory Notes” doc, Section 4.1, to make the intended meaning of the pseudo-code explicit the ‘int’ function should be replaced with ‘floor’, thus:

    if (mod(Proposed Amount, Integral Multiple)==0)
    { Exercise Amount = Proposed Amount ; }
    { Exercise Amount = floor(Proposed Amount / Integral Multiple)* Integral Multiple; }

  • danieldui

    08/03/10 5:37 pm

  • danieldui

    08/03/10 5:37 pm

  • danieldui

    08/18/10 12:01 pm

    Discussed on Aug 3 meeting.

    TODO: Need to update the rules affected.

    ISDA/Irina now own this task.

    When rules are updated and we’re happy with rules and document, we can release both.

    See child issue

  • danieldui

    08/18/10 12:06 pm

    See child issue for follow up actions.

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