FpML Issues Tracker

683: sameCurrency is too strong a precondition for eqd-19

May 2, 2008




Equity Derivatives




eqd-19 is: " Context: EquityOption, EquityDerivativeShortFormBase (complex type) eqd-19 (Mandatory) Preconditions: SameCurrency If notional, equityPremium/percentageOfNotional and equityPremium/paymentAmount are present, then equityPremium/paymentAmount/amount = notional/amount * equityPremium/percentageOfNotional "

The precondition "SameCurrency" is too strong. The only items that must be the same currency are the paymentAmount and the notional amount. We shouldn't be checking the other items.

Writing out the rule correctly in XQuery gives: " (for $equityOption in (//element(*, EquityOption)|//element(*, EquityDerivativeShortFormBase))[notional][equityPremium/percentageOfNotional][equityPremium/paymentAmount][val:same-currency((notional, equityPremium/paymentAmount))] return ) "

With the precondition becoming a global function: " declare function val:same-currency($money as element()*) as xs:boolean (: Are all instances of a currency within these money elements are the same currency. In Saxon-SA the signature would be declare function val:same-currency($money as fpml:Money()*) as xs:boolean :) { (count(distinct-values($money/currency)) le 1) and (count(distinct-values($money/currency/@currencyScheme)) le 1) }; "

Following the FpML conventions this should be written out as: " Context: (EquityOption (complex type), EquityDerivativeShortFormBase (complex type))[notional][equityPremium/percentageOfNotional][equityPremium/paymentAmount][val:same-currency((notional, equityPremium/paymentAmount))] eqd-19 (Mandatory) If notional, equityPremium/percentageOfNotional and equityPremium/paymentAmount are present, then equityPremium/paymentAmount/amount eq notional/amount * equityPremium/percentageOfNotional "


  • mgratacos

    05/09/08 1:22 pm

    EQDWG 2008-05-09: agreement to what it is proposed to amend the rule.

  • matthewdr

    05/09/08 1:23 pm

    Discussed at EQDWG. Agreed to adopt proposal.

  • iyermakova

    05/14/08 7:19 pm

    The way it is expressed needs to be checked by the Validation Working Group.

  • lyteck

    07/10/08 5:57 pm

    rewritten using new specifications.

  • matthewdr

    08/12/08 5:26 pm

    Accepting resolution.

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