FpML Issues Tracker

752: shared-16 and shared-17 undefined element

June 12, 2008




Validation Rules




ln-16 and ln-17 refer to "tradeSide element" which is undefined.

The rules today: " Context: TradeSide (complex type) shared-16 (Mandatory) For party/@href anywhere within the tradeSide element, href shall match the @id attribute of an /FpML/party element.

Context: TradeSide (complex type) shared-17 (Mandatory) For account/@href anywhere within the tradeSide element, href shall match the @id attribute of an /FpML/party/account element. "

Problem 1: Rather than "tradeSide element" it should refer to the current context. The context of the rule is a TradeSide complex type which may not be an element named "tradeSide", it may be named something else. The rule should not care what the element is named.

Problem 2: Another issue is that the construct "anywhere within the tradeSide element" is the descendant axis in XPath which is abbreviated to "//". FpML rule specification guidelines require the use of XPath for axis.

Problem 3: The element FpML is outside the context and cannot be found.

Problem 4: We should be consistent about the phrases "=" rather than "should match".

The solution complying with all the FpML guidelines on writing rules is: " shared-16 (Mandatory) Context: $document as Document (complex type) [exists(trade)] every $party in $document/trade/tradeSide/*/party satisfies $party/@href = $document/party/@id

shared-17 (Mandatory) Context: $document as Document (complex type) [exists(trade)] every $account in $document/trade/tradeSide/*/account satisfies $account/@href = $document/party/account/@id "


  • matthewdr

    08/26/08 1:39 pm

    Agreed at the VWG today to implement as proposed.

  • matthewdr

    08/26/08 1:41 pm

    Lyteck pointed out that other “href matches id” type rules should be rewritten as “/href = /id”

  • matthewdr

    08/26/08 1:51 pm

    Or without the $document

    shared-16 (Mandatory)
    Context: Document (complex type) [exists(trade)]
    every $party in trade/tradeSide/*/party satisfies $party/@href = party/@id

    shared-17 (Mandatory)
    Context: Document (complex type) [exists(trade)]
    every $account in trade/tradeSide/*/account satisfies $account/@href = party/account/@id

  • lyteck

    08/26/08 2:53 pm

    fixed as agreed.

  • matthewdr

    08/26/08 4:04 pm

    Accepting after testing.

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