FpML Issues Tracker

755: shared-11 should use XPath for axis

June 12, 2008




Validation Rules




Rule shared-11 should use XPath for axis as per the specification for writing rules.

Also the rule should have an additional condition.

The rule today: " Context: Trade (complex type) shared-11 (Mandatory) If businessDateRange exists within any descendant element of the trade, then businessCentersReference/@href, if present in any descendant element of the trade, must match some businessCenters/@id within any descendant of the same trade. "

The solution: " shared-11 (Mandatory) Context: Trade (complex type)[exists(//businessDateRange)] Rule: every $businessCentersReference in //businessCentersReference satisfies $businessCentersReference/@href = //businessCenters/@id "

The use of "every $x in $y satisfies" is needed to compare one set with another correctly.


  • matthewdr

    08/26/08 1:32 pm

    Agreed at the VWG today to implement as proposed.

  • lyteck

    08/26/08 2:35 pm

    implemented as proposed.

  • matthewdr

    08/26/08 4:01 pm

    Accepting after testing.

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