FpML Issues Tracker

782: FpML needs to consider creating merge all sub-schema together

August 28, 2008








FpML include paths in most of the cases are indirect. For example, "fpml-fx.xsd" uses enumerated types such as PayoutEnum, but does not directly include the file "fpml-enum.xsd", where enumerated types are defined

This is Legal in XML Schema 1.0, but illegal in XML Schema 1.1

Tools should support XML Schema 1.0 fully, but unfortunately not all tools do, and will not change, especially considering that the W3C have now changed the XML standard.

FpML needs to consider creating merge all sub-schema together.


  • iyermakova

    09/18/08 12:58 pm

    Reviewed at Arch WG on 28-AUG-2008:
    The AWG agreed in principals on merging the sub-schemas together.
    To resolve this issue would require prototyping, including the creation of the script to merge the schema. The view of the AWG was that the merged schema could be very beneficial for users in order to generate the code and could potentially solve some tools problems.

    The AWG discussed how the FpML schema would need to be published in the future.
    Should the publication be as one merged schema? Both, the publication will include one merged schema and the current subschemas.
    In 5-0, the publication will include one merged schema per view. The master schema would not be merged since theoretically is not the end user schema.

  • andrew

    10/02/08 11:03 am

    Solution agreed. Will be closed when implemented in 5.0

  • mgratacos

    07/01/09 3:06 pm

    This has been implemented since FpML 4.6 WD3 and FpML 5.0 WD3 (including both).

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