FpML Issues Tracker

784: invalid-ln-11-01.xml not triggered by ln-11

August 28, 2008




Validation Rules




The invalid example invalid-ln-11-01.xml is not triggered by ln-11.

The rule today is: " ln-11 (Mandatory) Context: FacilityNotice (complex type) [facilityCommitmentPosition/loanContractPosition exists] [same-currency((facilityCommitmentPosition/currentAmount/shareAmount/amount,//facilityCommitmentPosition/loanContractPosition/currentAmount/shareAmount/amount)) = True] facilityCommitmentPosition/currentAmount/shareAmount/amount >= the sum of all facilityCommitmentPosition/loanContractPosition/currentAmount/shareAmount/amount. "

The example does not contain an element of type FacilityNotice.

Please fix the example or rule as appropriate.


  • iyermakova

    12/11/08 9:29 pm

    – The invalid-ln-11-01.xml example is corrected for a new rule ln-11-b (context:LoanContractNotice). It was renamed to invalid-ln-11b-01.xml.
    – Loan WG will provide a new example invalid-ln-11-01.xml for the rule ln-11 Context: FacilityNotice

  • katirabh

    02/03/09 6:37 am

    Am checking this example and it is showing an invalid case as expected…?

  • katirabh

    02/03/09 7:05 am

    See the problem now.
    Created ln-11-01.xml

  • iyermakova

    02/04/09 3:59 pm

    Added a new invalid-ln-11-01.xml to support ln-11 rule (FacilityNotice).

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