FpML Issues Tracker

855: FX rules with Trade & Contract context need to be restricted to FX.

October 1, 2008




Validation Rules




The new FX rules that apply to Trade and Contract need a guard constraint to restrict them to FX.

As a simple example, those FX rules will probably be invalid when applied to CDS, IRS, EQS, etc.

The affected rules are: fx036, fx-36b, fx-37, fx-37b, fx38, fx38b, fx-39, fx-39b, fx-40, and fx-40b.

The FX Product elemebts are fxAverageRateOption, fxBarrierOption, fxDigitalOption, fxSimpleOption, fxSingleLeg, fxSwap. I am unsure as to whether termDeposit should be considered a FX product for these rules.

1. fx-36 and fx-36b should have a guard of "[fxAverageRateOption exists]" 2. fx-37 and fx37b should have a guard of "[fxBarrierOption exists]" 3. fx38 and fx038b should have a guard of "[fxDigitalOption exists]" 4. fx-39 and fx-39b should have a guard of "[fxSingleLeg exists]"


  • matthewdr

    10/21/08 1:23 pm

    Agreed at the VWG to implement.

  • mgratacos

    10/21/08 1:23 pm

    Agreed today to add guards as proposed by Matthew.

  • lyteck

    10/28/08 6:41 pm

    added guards to 36-39 as agreed.

  • matthewdr

    11/18/08 3:48 pm

    Closed following testing.

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