FpML Issues Tracker

876: eqd-29 valid XPath for “integral multiple”

December 10, 2008



Have not tried

Validation Rules




eqd-29 needs to be changed to valid XPath.

The rule today is: " maximumNumberOfOptions must be a positive integer multiple of integralMultipleExercise "

The rule should be: " maximumNumberOfOptions mod $equityMultipleExercise/integralMultipleExercise eq 0 "


  • lyteck

    12/10/08 3:10 pm

    is it necessary to add $equityMultipleExercise since we’re already in that context?

  • lyteck

    12/10/08 3:14 pm

    implemented as proposed (without prior review from validation WG since there’s a standing order to populate all English and Formal Descriptions (ongoing)

    is it necessary to add $equityMultipleExercise since we’re already in that context?

  • matthewdr

    12/10/08 5:16 pm

    It is not necessary to add $equityMultipleExercise

  • matthewdr

    12/10/08 5:30 pm

    Tested, passed; closed.

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