FpML Issues Tracker

928: shared-10 path doesn’t exist

April 23, 2009



Have not tried

Validation Rules




The rule shared-10 uses a path that doesn't exist. There is no element named "CalculationAgent" - that is a type not an element.

The rule today: " shared-10 (Mandatory) Context: CalculationAgent English Description: The values of calculationAgentPartyReference/@href attributes shall be unique. count(distinct-values(calculationAgentPartyReference/@href)) eq count(calculationAgentPartyReference/@href) "

The correct rule, including comment is: " shared-10 (Mandatory) Context: CalculationAgent (complex type) English Description: The values of calculationAgentPartyReference/@href attributes shall be unique. count(distinct-values(calculationAgentPartyReference/@href)) eq count(calculationAgentPartyReference/@href) Comment: It doesn't make sense for a party to be listed more than once as calculation agent to a trade. "


  • matthewdr

    06/09/09 1:53 pm

    Discussed at VWG. Agreed to change. ISDA to implement.

  • iyermakova

    06/09/09 8:32 pm

    Corrected Rule shared-10 as proposed
    – Corrected context to be a type
    – Added comments: “It doesn’t make sense for a party to be listed more than once as calculation agent to a trade.”
    – Added XPath description – “count(distinct-values(calculationAgentPartyReference/@href)) eq count(calculationAgentPartyReference/@href)
    – Committed to trunk (4-6) and branches/5-0

  • matthewdr

    06/10/09 2:29 pm

    Most of the fix is good. However there is a mis-spelling in the comments:
    “It does nott make sense for a party to be listed more than once as calculation agent to a trade.”

    Please change the rule comment to be the text you added in the issue comments.

  • iyermakova

    06/10/09 2:55 pm

    Corrected type in the comments in the rule shared-10.
    “It does not make sense for a party to be listed more than once as calculation agent to a trade.”

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