FpML Issues Tracker

937: cd-9 doesn’t cope with multiple referenceObligations

June 1, 2009




Validation Rules




The rule cd-9 does not cope with multiple referenceObligation within its context.

The rules today: " English Description: Context: ReferenceInformation (complex type) If referenceObligation/primaryObligorReference exists, then the attribute @href of referenceObligation/primaryObligorReference must be equal to the @id attribute of referenceEntity

XPath Description: Context: ReferenceInformation (complex type) [exists(referenceObligation/primaryObligorReference)] The attribute @href of referenceObligation/primaryObligorReference eq the @id attribute of referenceEntity "

The corrected rules: " English Description: Context: ReferenceInformation (complex type) Every referenceObligation/primaryObligorReference/@href equals referenceEntity/@id

XPath Description: Context: ReferenceInformation (complex type) id(referenceObligation/primaryObligorReference/@href) is referenceEntity "

M20 has worked around this: " Context: ReferenceInformation Rule "cd-9" In each referenceObligation (if a primaryObligorReference is present then primaryObligorReference.href is equal to ReferenceInformation.referenceEntity.id) " http://www.modeltwozero.com/fpml/fpml-cd.html


  • matthewdr

    06/09/09 1:46 pm

    Agreed at the VWG. Irina to cross-check with the CDWG before implementation.

  • iyermakova

    06/10/09 3:25 pm

    Corrected rules cd-09 and cd-10. As proposed.
    Committed the change to trunk (4-6) and branches/5-0

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