FpML Issues Tracker

954: Comment for eqd-12

June 15, 2009




Validation Rules




Please add the following comment for eqd-12: " When traded, a contactual option expiry date must be after the trade date. This rule is the equivalent of eqd-2, but for European Exercise. When the equity options are refactored this rule should merge into eqd-2. "


  • iyermakova

    07/21/09 7:58 pm

    – Added a comment for eqd-12, eqd-4, eqd-2:
    “When traded, a contractual option expiry date must be after the trade date. This rule is the equivalent of eqd-2 and eqd-4, but for European Exercise. When the equity options are refactored this rule should merge with eqd-2, eqd-4.”

    – Added a comment for eqd-12b, eqd-4b, eqd-2b:
    “The option expiry date in a contract cannot be before the contract is agreed. This rule is the equivalent of eqd-2b and eqd-4b, but for European Exercise. When the equity options are refactored this rule should merge with eqd-2b, eqd-4b.”
    Committed the change to trunk/ (4-6) and branches 5-0

    Matthew, please review the comments in 4-6 and 5-0 and close the issue.

  • matthewdr

    07/28/09 11:37 am


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