FpML Issues Tracker
Have not tried
In the 5.9 TR record keeping view the definition of the PaymentDetail looks to have been extended to support other ways of expressing collateral amounts.
The paymentRule element is a typed with an abstract complex type with no content and which has a single derived type PercentageRule.
Its not clear what the intention was here. Are users supposed to use a type substitution or was a substitution group going to be added?
The current state of the schema looks incomplete.
01/18/18 4:46 pm
01/19/18 3:35 am
07/16/18 4:42 pm
Updated annotations:
<xsd:complexType name=“PaymentRule” abstract=“true”>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang=“en”>The abstract base type from which all calculation rules of the independent amount must be derived. Users are supposed to use type substitution at PaymentRule. PaymentRule is supposed to be substituted by PercentageRule. There is the expectation that other rules will be created to model other types of independent amount payment rules in the future.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element name=“paymentRule” type=“PaymentRule”>
<xsd:documentation xml:lang=“en”>A structure defining the calculation rule of the independent amount. Users are supposed to use type substitution at PaymentRule. PaymentRule is abstract and it is supposed to be substituted by PercentageRule. There is the expectation that other rules will be created in the future to model other types of independent amount payment rules.</xsd:documentation>