XML Schema Documentation

Complex Type: DirectionalLegUnderlyer

[Table of contents]

Super-types: Leg < DirectionalLeg (by extension) < DirectionalLegUnderlyer (by extension)
Name DirectionalLegUnderlyer
Abstract yes
Documentation An abstract base class for all directional leg types with effective date, termination date, and underlyer where a payer makes a stream of payments of greater than zero value to a receiver.
XML Instance Representation
id=" xsd:ID [0..1]">
<payerPartyReference> PartyOrAccountReference </payerPartyReference> [1]

'A reference to the party responsible for making the payments defined by this structure.'

<receiverPartyReference> PartyOrAccountReference </receiverPartyReference> [1]

'A reference to the party that receives the payments corresponding to this structure.'

<effectiveDate> AdjustableOrRelativeDate </effectiveDate> [0..1]

'Specifies the effective date of this leg of the swap. When defined in relation to a date specified somewhere else in the document (through the relativeDate component), this element will typically point to the effective date of the other leg of the swap.'

<terminationDate> AdjustableOrRelativeDate </terminationDate> [0..1]

'Specifies the termination date of this leg of the swap. When defined in relation to a date specified somewhere else in the document (through the relativeDate component), this element will typically point to the termination date of the other leg of the swap.'

<underlyer> Underlyer </underlyer> [1]

'Specifies the underlyer of the leg.'

<settlementType> SettlementTypeEnum </settlementType> [1]
<settlementDate> AdjustableOrRelativeDate </settlementDate> [0..1]
Start Group: SettlementAmountOrCurrency.model [0..1]
Start Choice [1]
<settlementAmount> Money </settlementAmount> [1]

'Settlement Amount'

<settlementCurrency> Currency </settlementCurrency> [1]

'Settlement Currency for use where the Settlement Amount cannot be known in advance'

End Choice
End Group: SettlementAmountOrCurrency.model
<fxFeature> FxFeature </fxFeature> [0..1]

'Quanto, Composite, or Cross Currency FX features.'

Schema Component Representation
<xsd:complexType name="DirectionalLegUnderlyer" abstract="true">
<xsd:extension base=" DirectionalLeg ">
<xsd:element name="underlyer" type=" Underlyer "/>
<xsd:group ref=" OptionSettlement.model "/>
<xsd:element name="fxFeature" type=" FxFeature " minOccurs="0"/>