element <fxAccrualForward> (global)
complex, 1 attribute, 19 elements
may substitute for element product
Content Model Diagram
XML Representation Summary
Content model elements (19):
accrual (in fxAccrualForward),
additionalPayment (in fxAccrualForward),
averageRate (in fxAccrualForward),
barrier (in fxAccrualForward),
cashSettlement (in fxAccrualForward),
expiryDate (defined in FxExpiryDateOrSchedule.model group),
expirySchedule (defined in FxExpiryDateOrSchedule.model group),
linearPayoffRegion (in fxAccrualForward),
notionalAmount (in fxAccrualForward),
primaryAssetClass (defined in Product.model group),
productId (defined in Product.model group),
productId (defined in Product.model group),
productType (defined in Product.model group),
secondaryAssetClass (defined in Product.model group),
settlementDate (defined in FxSettlementDateOrSchedule.model group),
settlementPeriodSchedule (in fxAccrualForward),
settlementSchedule (defined in FxSettlementDateOrSchedule.model group),
spotRate (in fxAccrualForward)
May be included in elements by substitutions (23):
originalTrade (defined in TradeChangeBase complexType),
resultingTrade (defined in PhysicalSettlement complexType),
resultingTrade (defined in TradeChangeBase complexType),
trade (defined in DataDocument complexType),
trade (defined in TradeValuationItem complexType),
A structured forward product consisting of a single forward or a strip of forwards. For each forward, a fixed proportion of Notional is accumulated for each occasion that spot fixes within pre-defined limits (the 'accrual region') - the proportion determined by the number of fixings, which may occur every business day or with some other defined frequency. The Notional does not accumulate during any period where fixings fall outside the accrual region, but resumes accruing when spot returns within the limits. At expiry, the accrued Notional is bought at the pre-agreed hedge rate (the 'strike' rate). The trade allows for a hedge rate that is better than the forward rate, however the notional amount hedged is uncertain, and can be zero in the worst case.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xsd:element name="fxAccrualForward" substitutionGroup="product" type="FxAccrualForward"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML 1.10b5 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.8.1 template set. All content model diagrams generated by Altova XMLSpy via DocFlex/XML XMLSpy Integration.