element <originatingTradeId> (local)
complex, 1 attribute, 6 elements
Content Model Diagram
XML Representation Summary
(issuer, tradeId) | (partyReference, accountReference?, (tradeId | versionedTradeId)+)
Content model elements (6):
accountReference (defined in PartyAndAccountReferences.model group),
issuer (defined in TradeIdentifier complexType),
partyReference (defined in PartyAndAccountReferences.model group),
tradeId (defined in TradeIdentifier complexType),
tradeId (defined in TradeIdentifier complexType),
Included in content model of elements (19):
oldTradeIdentifier (defined in TradeChangeContent complexType),
oldTradeIdentifier (in novation),
partyTradeIdentifier (defined in PartyTradeIdentifiers complexType),
partyTradeIdentifier (defined in Portfolio complexType),
partyTradeIdentifier (in clearingEligibility),
partyTradeIdentifier (in tradeHeader),
partyTradeIdentifier (in tradeReferenceInformation),
partyTradeIdentifier (in verificationStatusNotification),
partyTradeIdentifier (in withdrawal),
tradeIdentifier (defined in OptionExpiryBase complexType),
tradeIdentifier (defined in TradeChangeBase complexType),
tradeIdentifier (defined in TradeMaturity complexType),
tradeIdentifier (in deClear),
tradeIdentifier (in optionExercise),
tradeIdentifier (in optionExpiry defined in Events.model group),
tradeIdentifier (in tradeChangeAdviceRetracted)
The trade id of the trade(s) upon which this was based, for example the ID of the trade that was submitted for clearing if this is a cleared trade, or of the original trade if this was novated or cancelled and rebooked, or the list of trades that were netted or compressed together in the case of a compression event. The originatingEvent will explain why the trade was created; the existence and number of originatingTradeId elements should correspond to the originatingEvent, and they should be interpreted using that field. If the trade is inside a business event structure (such as a novation or a compression event) this element shuld not be populated; instead the event shoudl be used to represent the other trades.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="originatingTradeId" type="TradeIdentifier"/>

XML schema documentation generated with DocFlex/XML 1.8.6b2 using DocFlex/XML XSDDoc 2.5.1 template set. All content model diagrams generated by Altova XMLSpy via DocFlex/XML XMLSpy Integration.